Born in California. Well travelled.

Austin - Boston - Laguna - Palm Springs - San Diego - Seattle

Evolve your practice

Our consortium of expert clinical psychologists are among the most highly trained providers of evidence-based therapy in the nation. Many of our psychologists directly contributed to the research underlying the therapeutic techniques that we teach. As such, we have a deep understanding of the implementation, dissemination, and adaptation of these interventions with an eye toward treatment adherence and fidelity.

A team approach

Our consortium was founded on the principle of non-hierarchical collaboration. Specifically, our providers own Synthesis and we manage ourselves using the principles that we teach in our trainings. In addition to the work we do for Synthesis, our psychologists meet weekly to consult on our own clinical caseloads. We don’t get lost in theory, because we are also treating our own clients, just like you! Our experience is that training, supervision, and consultation are all more effective and validating when the experts are “in the trenches” with you.

Our services


Online or in-person, consultation is an excellent way to generalize and or/deepen extant skill sets into advanced clinical and organizational practice.

60 mins | Price Varies


Online or in-person, supervision is appropriate for those seeking ongoing oversight of their clinical caseloads with an eye toward gaining licensure.

60 mins | Price Varies


Online (on-demand or live) or in-person, trainings are ideal for cultivating new clinical skills sets or deepening extant ones. Our team will gladly tailor live (online or in-person) training sessions to meet the needs of our clients.

60 mins - 5 days | Price Varies

Drop us a line!

Send us a message and we’ll gladly connect with you for a free 10-minute initial consultation.

You can also email us directly at

Get started with Synthesis, today.